What Is Arthritis?
Inflammation of the joints is called arthritis. It can affect one or more joints. The symptoms of arthritis generally develop over time. Arthritis is most commonly seen in people over the age of 65. However, it can also develop in children and teenagers. Arthritis is more common in women than men and also in people who are overweight.
What Are the Symptoms of Arthritis?
Joint pain, stiffness, and swelling are common symptoms of arthritis. Your range of motion may decrease. You may experience redness of the skin around the joint. Many people with arthritis observe that their symptoms are worse in the morning. You may feel exhausted or experience a loss of appetite due to the inflammation.
How Is Arthritis Treated?
There’s no cure for arthritis. However, the right treatment can reduce your symptoms.
The main goal of treatment is to decrease the amount of pain you’re experiencing. You’ll learn what works best for you in terms of reducing pain. Some people find heating pads and ice packs to be helpful. Others use mobility support devices, like canes or walkers.
There are several different types of medication to treat arthritis:
- Analgesics, such as hydrocodone (Vicodin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol), are efficient for pain management, but don’t help reduce inflammation.
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil) and salicylates, help control pain and inflammation.
- Immunosuppressants like prednisone or cortisone help decrease inflammation.
Surgery to replace your joint with an artificial one is an option. Usually, surgery is performed to replace hips and knees.
If your arthritis is most severe in your fingers or wrists, your doctor may do a joint fusion. In this procedure, the ends of your bones are stuck together until they heal and become one.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy includes exercises that help strengthen the muscles around the affected joint.
Lifestyle Changes that Can Help
Weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight reduces the risk of developing arthritis. It will reduce the symptoms if you already have it. Choosing a diet with lots of antioxidants, such as fresh fruits and vegetables can help decrease inflammation. Other inflammation-reducing foods include fish and nuts. Foods to avoid if you have arthritis include fried foods, processed foods, dairy products, and high intakes of meat.
Regular exercise will keep your joints flexible. Swimming is a great form of exercise for people with arthritis. This is because it doesn’t put pressure on your joints the way running and walking does.