Personal protective equipment or PPE is the equipment worn to create a barrier so that you do not come in contact with germs. Personal protective equipment (PPE) plays a huge role in preventing the spread of harmful germs in hospitals and clinics. The barrier created by the PPE reduces the spread of diseases created via physical contact. This provision protects healthcare workers and people from contracting diseases.
It is important that all visitors, patients & hospital staff (including doctors and nurses) wear PPEs at all times especially when in contact with bodily fluids or blood.
Types of PPE
Masks are mostly used for the protection of the mouth and nose. They can also have a clear plastic part that protects the eyes. Surgical masks help to stop viruses from entering your nose and mouth. Respiratory masks form a seal around your nose and mouth. These masks are used in order to protect oneself from air borne diseases like tuberculosis, measles or chickenpox viruses.
Face Shields or Goggles
The eyes can be protected with face shields or goggles. By using barriers to protect your eyes, the mucous membranes in your eyes do not come in contact with germs in the environment.
Protective Clothing
Clothing like aprons, gowns, head covering and shoe covers are often used to protect doctors and patients during surgery. These Personal protective equipment (PPE) help maintain a barrier while working with bodily fluids. Often, visitors are also asked to wear gowns when visiting a patient who is in isolation, especially when the disease is very contagious.
Shoe coverings are also a common form of PPE to prevent the contamination of a sterilized environment like a surgery room.
Choosing the Right PPE
Different types of PPE are used for different types of people. PPEs are crucial especially if you are taking care of a person who is severely sick.
Disposing Used PPE
Always remember to remove and dispose your Personal protective equipment (PPE) to avoid spreading exposed germs to others. Here are some things to remember when disposing your PPE:
-Place your used PPEs in laundry containers that can be sanitized & reused.
-Dispose your PPE in waste containers that are different from regular trash cans.
-Look out for marked bags for cytotoxic PPE.